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Site information

Contact for the WISH-ROOTS project

  • Dr. Maria Hernandez-Soriano 

Coordination team WISH-ROOTS

John Innes Centre 

Norwich Research Park,

Colney Ln, Norwich NR4 7UH

United Kingdom

Site information

This website is published by the WISH-ROOTS consortium. WISH-ROOTS has been funded through the EJP Soil  by under the following funding bodies:

By BBSRC under contract number xx

By MiPAAF under contract number xx

By BMBF under contract number xx

By FWO under contract number xx

By GRA under contract number xx

WISH-ROOTS Consortium agreement: 



WISH-ROOTS consortium


Maria Hernandez-Soriano, JIC


Maria Hernandez-Soriano, JIC

WISH-ROOTS consortium partners

Copyright notice

The contents of this website are owned by the WISH-ROOTS consortium and protected by copyright law. We retain all rights over the material published on this site.

Liability and disclaimer

The project WISH-ROOTS - ""  is supported by the EJP Soil programme under the Grant Agreement no xx, and by the xx under contract number xx. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the EJP Soil and the funding bodies. Neither the funding bodies nor any person acting behalf of the funding bodies is responsible for the use which might be made of the information provided on this website.

All of the statements, results etc. contained in this site have been compiled by the authors according to their best knowledge and have been scrupulously checked by the WISH-ROOTS consortium. However, the possibility of mistakes cannot be ruled out entirely. Therefore, the publishers and the authors are not subject to any obligation and make no guarantees whatsoever regarding any of the statements etc. in this work; neither do they accept responsibility or liability for any possible mistakes contained therein.


The links on this page are for informational purposes only. WISH-ROOTS consortium is not responsible for the availability or content of these sites. In addition, providing links to these sites should not be interpreted as endorsement or approval by WISH-ROOTS partners.

Privacy Policy

Further information on our privacy policy

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