Meet the WISH-ROOTS Consortium

Current Position: Head of Biochemistry & Metabolism Dept., Senior Scientist at the John Innes Centre, Norwich UK.
Education: BSc, PhD
Hobbies: Cycling
Bio: Plant biologist with an interest in membrane transport, nutrient uptake by roots, soil health and rhizosphere N cycling.
Role: Co-ordination of the WISH-ROOTS project

Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher at John Innes Centre, UK.
Education: PhD Bioscience Engineering, KULeuven
Hobbies: Painting, Hiking, Swimming
Bio: I became an Environmental Chemist because I wanted to understand the natural processes that occur in our soils. That quest has taken me to work in Belgium, USA and Australia. Now I am based at John Innes Centre in UK, exploring these processes in the wheat rhizosphere - the soil influenced by the roots.
Role: My role in the WISH-ROOTS project is to support the coordination of WISH-ROOTS and to supervise our field trials at JIC Field Station.

Current Position: Quantitative Geneticist, Crop Genetics, John Innes Centre
Education: Dr. rer. nat. Biology, University of Cologne, Germany
Hobbies: Cycling, Pacifism, Yoga, Cake making, Reading, Knitting, Running
Bio: I am fascinated by Biology in general, and why there is so much diversity. Although this question is particularly investigated in Evolutionary research, which I find fascinating, breeding more diverse and high yielding crops is an important task in order to feed the world and to keep space for nature.
Role: My role in the WISH-ROOTS project is to assist with the bread wheat germplasm selection, field trial design, statistical analysis of data, QTL mapping and wheat genomics.

Current Position: Group leader at John Innes Centre, UK.
Education: PhD
Hobbies: Fishing
Bio: I am a wheat geneticist with specific interest in adaptation and pre-breeding.
Role: Supporting germplasm, genetics, and genomics

Current Position: Field Experimentation Manager, John Innes Centre.
Experience: Over 30 years of field trials and plant breeding experience
Hobbies: Reading, walking, gardening
Bio: I grew up with plant breeding on my doorstep with a major plant breeding company operating in my home village. I first started working for the then Miln Masters at the age of 16 and have always enjoyed seeing the development of new varieties and the feeling of having played a part in the process. Now my satisfaction is gained from helping research staff to develop experiments that are not perhaps the ‘standard field trial’.
Role: My role in the WISH-ROOTS project is to facilitate the growing of the field trial at the JIC Field Station and offer my experience to the project overall.